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Most Impactful
Book by

Ms. Blonka Mack

Book Of Keyz Part 1

Available On Amazon

Universal evolution books documented College Readiness is coming to a University near you. As we nurture our fostered Middle & High School Partnerships, the people and the elected Mayor's & Governor's Office & Administration heavily note our community impact globally & internationally.

B.M. 4:44 Financial Literacy World Tour started in Middle & High Schools through the data we've migrated on Campus to invest in first-year college students' expectations. We are evolving the thinking of all students' trajectory of becoming the next change-maker and leader, elevating the Mindset of the People through the pedagogical of the Book Of Keyz Part 1 & 2.

Blonka Movement 4:44 Financial Literacy Unprecedented World Tour covered over 20,000 college readiness Book Of Keyz book fees 15 Million independently. Please help us raise 1.1 Million Dollars to expand our World tour, including our Tour books covering the selected tour school within that tour state. Let's change the Nation together, leading with education. Love, Peace, Unity & Compassion is Key. To heal America, we must teach her.

Who will bring the student's " MINDSET " back to school as a re-directive method of Stop Violence?

We need leaders not in love with money but in Love with justice, not in love with publicity but in love with humanity.
 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Leaders and Celebrities have a sense of responsibility to re-direct their communities, then break out and lend a helping hand from state to state. There's violence in every community, and the youth is leading high in that category with numbers. Their reality towards life Is immediately accessible through the rapid changes of social media influence, as falsehood and narratives are projected onto our potential scholars who are misguided and unprepared for real-world responsibilities. Mentorship, values, and principles start in the household. Since the millennials are walking their journies blindly, we must utilize our resources, influencers, books, and mentors to steer scholars down a professional career path or entrepreneur pathway that will produce sustainability and financial freedom while projecting an unlimited trajectory per their foundation security.

Global Financial Literacy Program, inspired by Jay-Z's album, looks to inspire teens. Blonka Movement 4:44 Financial Literacy Global Tour. 

Elite Modern-Day Historian
Ms. Blonka Mack
Class Personified

Traveling Author & Modern-Day Elite                               Historian

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As a Former Mental Health Professional, I knew Psychology, Financial Literacy, and anatomy are Major Keyz to life. I have been intrigued by the human mind—with overstanding life experiences and teachings, inevitably sparking change globally, the timing has been a deciding factor in how fast we can get the information to all. My formula has remedied a balance by nurturing what we allow to enter our cerebral cortex while identifying the distractions that penetrate through sound as we buffer and recalibrate. Influencing at God Speed the new change makers of Past, Present, and Current studies & philosophy by incorporating Real Life Teachings, Accountability, and Supreme Wisdom. 


To sharpen the senses of others, we must identify with Global issues impeding our capabilities on a local level. Mental Health & Depression are at the forefront. Before there was herbal Medicine dating back 60,000 years ago, spiritual insight, affirmation, and confirmation were received. This resource tool will overturn pharmaceutical giants' plans as they alter how our minds naturally work.


We must rely on our knowledge; proper health is true wealth and passes it down as we become a part of change without limiting how our brains process and receive information. Book Of Keyz Part 1 is the solution to many household factors, educational disposition, and a compass founded by a Revolutionary Blueprint. Invest with us through financial literacy lectures through Blonka Movement Reach One Teach One Programs as we feed the minds of underserved communities, both public and private schools, in conjunction with prestigious universities. Sponsor Book Of Keyz Part 1, each book purchased is a book donated; let's pivot forward together by doing the work and bridging the Wealth Gap through education. 

The PowerHouse

    Born and raised in New Orleans, LA. My calling discovered me in the heart of Treme under the arches of Louis Armstrong Park, where I dedicated myself to the world of philanthropy. My teaching of Supreme Wisdom allowed me to sit and study amongst the elite; as my mind evolved, I grew from the concrete and learned from the jungle; I elevated my position and rose to my highest power. As an entrepreneur, author, trailblazer, musician, visionary, counselor, spiritual life coach, public figure, and so much more, my goal was to become limitless. Many obstacles I faced head-on didn't define me; I'm a walking testimony. 


   My mother, Trena Mack, has been my most extraordinary role model as I continue to be a student of Life. Being a navy kid allowed me to speak amongst the diverse and adapt to different climates, languages, cultures, and perspectives. As I finished the Book Of Keyz Part 1, I became a first-time mom embarking on a Divine Journey in which the Legacy continues through E'Lon King Johnson. As I travel through aviation, I'm writing Book Of Keyz Part 2 with a clear mind and grounded spirit. The best is unwritten, but what has been published is centuries of information to help spark the next President or Paragon Leaders of today's time. I'm always ahead of the curve with a foundation that's light-years away. I'm Evolution & the Elite Modern-Day Historian, to say less. 

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